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August 04, 2023

As the proud owner of Theory of Beads, a business born out of my passion for crafting beautiful beads and natural stone jewelry, I am truly delighted to share my personal experience and expertise with you in this comprehensive guide. Our journey began with a deep admiration for the wonders of nature and a strong desire to create exquisite pieces that hold special meaning for our cherished customers.

Every jewelry creation at Theory of Beads is infused with the utmost care and dedication, reflecting the love we have for our craft and the joy it brings to our clients. Our team of skilled artisans, with meticulous attention to detail, work tirelessly to ensure that each piece uniquely expresses nature's beauty and elegance.

When you hold one of our jewelry pieces, you're not just holding a material object but a piece of our heart and soul. We take immense pride in using high-quality beads and natural stones sourced from trusted suppliers, and each design is carefully curated to resonate with the essence of nature.

It brings us immeasurable joy to know that our jewelry becomes part of your treasured memories, celebrating life's special moments and creating lifetime connections. It is our commitment to craft timeless pieces that not only enhance your personal style but also carry a profound significance for you.

In this engaging blog, I have poured my passion into curating essential dos and don'ts for maintaining your beads and natural stone jewelry. My aim is to guide you in preserving the enchanting allure and enduring elegance of these treasured adornments so they continue to shine brightly, just as they did on the day you received them.

Together, let's embark on this journey to celebrate the beauty of nature and the craftsmanship that goes into each jewelry piece. I invite you to discover the secrets of caring for your precious jewelry and immerse yourself in the world of the Theory of Beads. With our team's dedication and your love for our jewelry, let's create moments that sparkle and memories that stay close to your heart.

Do’s for Effective Beads and Natural Stone Jewelry Maintenance

 Gently Clean Beads and Natural Stones:

To maintain the brilliance and charm of your beads and natural stone jewelry, I recommend gentle cleaning using a soft, lint-free cloth slightly dampened with lukewarm water. Gently wipe away any accumulated dust or grime, ensuring that no harsh chemicals are used to avoid damaging the stones or discoloring the beads. After cleaning, pat the jewelry dry with a separate clean cloth to prevent any moisture from lingering.

Store Separately to Prevent Scratches:

At Theory Of Beads, we understand the importance of storing each piece of jewelry separately to avoid any potential scratching or chipping. Consider using individual soft pouches or cloth bags for your jewelry to protect them from rubbing against one another. For necklaces and bracelets with delicate gemstones, laying them flat or hanging them will ensure they retain their shape and avoid tangling.

Re-string Beaded Jewelry Periodically:*

Beaded jewelry, such as our exquisite bracelets and necklaces, may require re-stringing over time due to regular use. As a proactive measure, I advise inspecting your beaded jewelry regularly and seeking professional re-stringing when necessary. By using durable, high-quality beading cords, you can maintain the structural integrity of your cherished pieces and prevent any accidental breakage.

Embrace Proper Knotting Techniques:

When designing or repairing beaded jewelry, it is crucial to incorporate proper knotting techniques. These knots not only create space between the beads, reducing friction and wear, but they also serve as a safety measure. In the unfortunate event of breakage, the knots can prevent multiple beads from scattering and getting lost, ensuring that your beaded jewelry remains wearable and complete.

Protect from Chemicals and Abrasive Surfaces:

To preserve the brilliance and luster of your beads and natural stone jewelry, it is crucial to shield them from harsh chemicals found in household cleaning agents, cosmetics, and hairsprays. As a best practice, I recommend removing your jewelry before engaging in any activities that involve abrasive surfaces, as the stones may scratch or chip. Be sure to keep your treasured pieces away from swimming, cleaning, or participating in sports to safeguard their beauty.

Seek Professional Jewelry Maintenance:

While proper care can go a long way in maintaining your jewelry's beauty, it is essential to seek professional maintenance from time to time. We recommend you find professional jewelry inspection and cleaning services to ensure your pieces remain in pristine condition. Jewelry experts are well-versed in handling beads and natural stones, providing the care they deserve to retain their brilliance.


Avoid These Pitfalls: Jewelry Maintenance Don'ts

Don't Expose Natural Stones to Excessive Heat:

Understanding the sensitivity of certain natural stones like opals, turquoise, and amber to extreme temperatures, I advise against leaving your jewelry in direct sunlight, near heating sources, or in hot vehicles. Excessive heat can cause these gemstones to crack or lose their vibrant colors, diminishing their allure.

Avoid Submerging in Water:

While beads and many natural stones are relatively durable, I urge caution when it comes to water exposure. Submerging your jewelry in water for extended periods can weaken the beading cords and threads, potentially leading to breakage. Moreover, water can seep into porous stones, affecting their appearance or causing discoloration.

Don't Use Ultrasonic Cleaners:

As a jewelry expert, I emphasize refraining from using ultrasonic cleaners for beads and natural stones. Though effective for certain jewelry types, these machines can damage or crack delicate stones and loosen bead settings. Opt for the gentle cleaning methods mentioned in the "Dos" section to ensure your precious jewelry remains unharmed.

Avoid Wearing During Strenuous Activities:

I strongly advise removing your beaded jewelry and natural stone pieces to prevent accidental damage before engaging in strenuous activities, sports, or heavy-duty chores. This precautionary step will preserve your jewelry's intricate detailing and structural integrity, keeping them pristine.

Don't Store Haphazardly:

Avoid storing your beads and natural stone jewelry haphazardly in a tangled mess. At Theory Of Beads, we understand that proper storage is essential to preserve the beauty of each piece. Use our provided soft pouches or cloth bags to store them individually, ensuring they remain protected and organized.


As the business owner of Theory Of Beads, my passion lies in crafting beautiful beads and natural stone jewelry that exudes timeless elegance and connects our customers with the wonders of nature. By following these dos and don'ts, you can be confident in preserving the allure and beauty of your treasured pieces for years to come. 

Gently clean your jewelry, store them separately, and protect them from harsh chemicals and extreme conditions. Embrace proper knotting techniques for beaded jewelry, and exercise caution during activities that may subject your jewelry to potential damage.

Together, let's embark on a journey of preserving the cherished memories and lasting elegance of your beads and natural stone jewelry. As you embark on this voyage of care, your valued possessions from Theory Of Beads will continue to captivate and inspire, adorning your life with beauty and meaning. Happy adorning and treasuring these exquisite pieces!